What's It Like to Work with InsideOut Development

Selecting and implementing a coaching solution takes a lot of careful consideration. You have to balance cost, flexibility, and practicality. You have to align your coaching approach with business objectives and organizational structure. And it has to get results. There are a lot of options and factors to consider.

Start by considering what current customers have to say about your options.

Net Promoter Score (NPS) measures customer experience and satisfaction. It’s calculated by asking: “On a scale from 1 to 10, how likely is it that you would recommend InsideOut Development to a friend or colleague?” Subtracting the percentage of Detractors (scores of 0-6) from the percentage of Promoters (scores of 9-10) yields the Net Promoter Score, which can range from a low of -100 (if every customer is a Detractor) to a high of 100 (if every customer is a Promoter). Based on global NPS standards, a score above 0 is considered good and a score around 50 is considered excellent.

Based on a survey of more than 200 clients, we earned a Net Promoter Score of 48. Here’s why:

We’re easy to work with.

Our goal is to make work better for everyone, so everyone can do their best work, so we focus on how we can best support our clients through any issue. According to a training specialist at a large governmental research institute, we’re succeeding: “InsideOut Development has been excellent with support. I always get timely answers to my questions. And there are tons of other pertinent points in the materials posted (blog posts, e-books, webinars, etc.), too.”

We respect your time.

We are always striving to improve the experience for everyone we work with. 93% of our trained facilitators are satisfied or very satisfied with their overall experience. We respect our clients’ time and prioritize solving problems as quickly as possible. We try not to be annoying so we only contact clients to share really relevant information. In our survey, 75% of clients think we contact them just enough. If anything, they’d like *more *contact.

Signing a deal is the start of a relationship.

Our on-boarding process involves a dedicated coordinator who will be your guide in implementing and executing your coaching solution. You’ll also stay in contact with a regional director to act as a helping hand through any problems you may encounter.

A leading HR Manager at a large food services company said, “the support I’ve received from my regional director in particular, she is amazing!”

The material is relevant and applicable.

You’ve heard the statistic. Only 12% of learners apply the skills from a training to their job. InsideOut Development has spent more than 25 years perfecting training to make them simple to implement in any role. In our most recent client survey, we discovered that those trained in our sessions are applying the material taught 5 times more than the average training program.

A corporate learning consultant for one of the largest insurance agencies in the United States said: “The material is so easy to use. I have loved hearing the success stories of our employees after they begin using the InsideOut methods.”

InsideOut Coaching drives real world results.

An InsideOut Coaching System will help with more than just retention. InsideOut Development has the power to impact your organization’s most important results.

  • 96% of trained coaches are more focused in their communication
  • 99% can better support performance management
  • 88% say they can align the goals of their direct reports to company objectives

So what does a company led by an empowered coach look like? According to a recent Dale Carnegie survey, companies with engaged employees outperform those without by up to 202%. Organizations that are highly effective at coaching were 30% more likely to have strong business results. They also enjoyed 42% higher employee productivity.

Still have questions about working with InsideOut Development? Use the chat box to talk to a coaching expert right away.

Check out this article to discover 10 criteria one buyer considers the most important when choosing a coaching solution.


Let’s Discuss your Coaching Needs

Our team of experts will contact you to better understand your goals, answer any questions you may have and provide an overview of our portfolio of solutions to better assess how we can help.