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How to Conduct an Employee Performance Review + Checklist

Written by InsideOut Development | Oct 3, 2023 8:26:49 PM

In the pursuit of excellence, there's a powerful tool at your disposal: performance reviews.

Regularly scheduling these sessions is key to keeping all team members firmly on the path to high performance. During these dedicated review meetings, you'll have the opportunity to address areas for improvement and acknowledge the standout achievements of an individual team member.

It's also the perfect space for employees to ask questions and engage in a two-way discussion. Emphasizing the importance of keeping the dialogue open, these reviews become a collaborative journey toward collective growth and achievement.


Preparing for the Performance Review

According to CEB, 9 out of 10 managers are dissatisfied with how their organizations conduct performance reviews.

But here's the good news. You have the power to steer clear of this statistic through proactive preparation. How? By laying the groundwork beforehand.

To approach the conversation prepared, you will want to focus on:

  • Setting clear goals and expectations: Ensuring both you and your employee are aligned on the objectives of the review, you will want to create an overarching roadmap for the discussion.
  • Gathering relevant performance data: You will want to collect data that objectively reflects employee performance.
  • Scheduling and location: By thoughtfully choosing a suitable time and place, you will foster an environment conducive to a productive conversation.
  • Creating a positive and constructive atmosphere: To cultivate an atmosphere of positivity and constructive feedback, you should focus on growth rather than criticism. In addition to this, it’s important to make sure the environment is non-threatening and holds space for an open, two-way communication channel.

Following these steps, you can transform the review time from a daunting process into a valuable tool for growth and development. Now, let's take the plunge into the "performance review checklist" to ensure that your conversation flows seamlessly, free from any unexpected bumps in the road.


How to Evaluate an Employee: A Performance Review Checklist

Structuring the Performance Review Discussion

Recap Responsibilities

Start by providing a concise recap of the employee's goals and responsibilities. This sets the stage for a focused discussion.

Praise Strengths

Acknowledge and celebrate the employee's strengths and achievements. This not only boosts morale but also reinforces positive behaviors and contributions.

Give Constructive Criticism

Equally crucial is addressing areas for improvement. Constructive feedback in this regard should be specific, actionable, and tied to the employee's goals.

Encourage Self-Assessment

Foster active participation and reflection by inviting the employee to self-assess their performance. This self-reflection can lead to valuable insights and personal ownership of development areas.

Providing Specific and Actionable Feedback

Use SBI Model

Incorporating the "SBI" (Situation-Behavior-Impact) model into your feedback process ensures that your employees gain a deep understanding of the feedback they receive, making it more impactful.

Consider Examples

Enhance the clarity of your feedback by providing real-life examples that vividly illustrate the points discussed during the review. These examples make the feedback more tangible and relatable.

Practice Balance

Maintaining a delicate equilibrium between acknowledging accomplishments and addressing areas for improvement is the key to fostering holistic growth and development.

Goal Setting and Development Planning

Focus on Collaboration

Engage in a dialogue where both you and your employee actively contribute to crafting a roadmap for their professional journey.

Make SMART Goals

To ensure goals are impactful and achievable, embrace the SMART criteria: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This framework provides a clear and structured foundation for goal-setting.

Explore Career Opportunities

This is the time when you can discuss the employee's aspirations, strengths, and areas for growth to map out a path that aligns with their professional trajectory.

Addressing Concerns and Challenges

Encourage Open Dialogue

Prioritize creating an environment where employees feel comfortable voicing their concerns and challenges.

Offer Solutions

As a leader, provide not just a listening ear but also valuable guidance and practical solutions to help employees overcome challenges. This approach demonstrates your commitment to their success.

Highlight Organizational Support

Emphasize the various resources, mentorship, and assistance programs available to ensure employees feel empowered and well-supported in their professional journey.

Documentation and Follow-Up

Capture Takeaways

You will want to record key discussion points and agreements during the conversation to revisit at a later date.

Send Summary

Following the review, send a written summary to the employee. This document serves as a written record of the conversation.

Implement GROW®

Scheduling regular check-ins and following the GROW Coaching Model allows for ongoing monitoring of progress and adjustment of goals as needed, ensuring a dynamic and adaptive approach to development.

Tailoring Reviews to Individual Needs

Tailor Reviews

Acknowledge that a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work for performance reviews. Customize your review approach to align with the unique roles and responsibilities of each team member, ensuring relevance and effectiveness.

Embrace Diverse Learning and Communication Styles

Acknowledge the richness of diverse learning and communication styles among your team members.

WFH or Hybrid Reviews

In today's dynamic work environment, adapt your review process to accommodate remote or hybrid work arrangements. This flexibility ensures that all team members, regardless of their location, can participate fully in the review process.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

Be Impartial

Strive to create a review process that is transparent, objective, and free from bias, ensuring that every team member is treated equitably.

Adhere to Policies

Established standards serve as a compass, guiding your approach and guaranteeing that reviews are conducted consistently and ethically.

Steer Clear of Discrimination and Inappropriate Remarks

Avoid any form of discrimination or inappropriate remarks, fostering a respectful and professional environment that upholds the dignity of every team member.


Dealing With Employee Performance Issues

So, what's your next move if one of your employees is facing performance challenges? Here are some succinct yet powerful tips to guide you:

  • Empathize: Begin by addressing performance issues with empathy and sensitivity.
  • Listen actively: Practice active listening, allowing employees to voice their concerns and perspectives.
  • Offer solutions: Provide concrete solutions and access to resources that support their journey to improvement.

Although these tips are simple, they are important to consider as you’re going through the review process.


The Importance of Helping Managers Improve Their Feedback Skills

As a manager, consistently improving your feedback skills is essential for fostering a positive work environment, facilitating employee growth, enhancing performance, and nurturing organizational development.

Managers with strong feedback skills can communicate expectations clearly, drive employee engagement through constructive input, align individual goals with organizational objectives, and resolve conflicts promptly. Effective feedback also bolsters employee loyalty, reduces turnover, and contributes to a culture of continuous improvement.

If you’re looking to enhance your feedback skills, ensure your organization provides you with access to training programs and resources that will equip you with the tools you need to conduct impactful reviews.

As you refine your feedback abilities, not only are you becoming a better leader, but you are also contributing to the overall success of your organization by cultivating open communication and a conducive learning atmosphere.


Illuminating the Road to Success Through Performance Reviews

It's important to emphasize that regular performance reviews are not merely routine tasks — they represent a strategic investment in your team's performance and growth. To recap the essentials for conducting effective reviews:

  • Preparation: Thoroughly prepare ahead of time.
  • Comprehensive discussion: Address both strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Collaboration: Foster a collaborative atmosphere.
  • Solutions: Offer constructive solutions for development.

Our intent today has been to inspire, not intimidate, you in the review process. When approached thoughtfully, these reviews become a driving force, propelling the growth and development of your employees, and ultimately, your organization's success.

Is it time to blow up performance reviews? Download our whitepaper to level up your reviews… through coaching!