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10 Best Practices for Hybrid & Remote Working Performance Management

Written by Bill Montgomery | Sep 17, 2024 7:30:10 PM

Managing remote workers effectively requires a unique approach compared to traditional in-office management. With the right strategies, you can understand the impact of remote working on employee performance, foster productivity, maintain clear communication, and handle difficult conversations with ease.

Here are some guidelines and tips for managing remote and hybrid workers to ensure your team thrives, no matter where they are.


1. Establish Clear Communication Channels

Effective communication is the cornerstone of performance management in remote working. Use a mix of tools such as email, chat applications, video conferencing, and project management software to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Establish a cadence and methodology for regular check-ins and feedback to help maintain a sense of connection and alignment.

Positive feedback can trigger the release of dopamine in the brain. The release of dopamine in response to positive feedback not only makes you feel good but also enhances learning and motivation and helps prevent burnout.


2. Set Clear Expectations

From the outset, set clear expectations regarding work hours, availability, and deliverables. Provide detailed guidelines on remote work performance measures and what’s expected from each team member, ensuring they understand their roles and responsibilities.


3. Focus on Outcomes, Not Hours

Managing the productivity of remote workers can be challenging if you focus solely on the hours worked. Instead, emphasize the importance of outcomes and results. Set measurable goals and track progress regularly to ensure that everyone is contributing effectively.


4. Provide Consistent Feedback

Regular performance reviews are crucial for remote teams. Use these sessions to provide constructive feedback, recognize achievements, and address any performance issues. Be specific about what’s working well, where the team is getting stuck, and what might be done differently. Then, offer support to help employees succeed. 

Using a coaching approach for remote work performance evaluation will ensure that the accountability from these reviews will remain with the employee, not the manager.


5. Assist With Time Management

Encourage your team to adopt effective time management practices. This can include setting daily or weekly priorities, using time-tracking tools, and creating a dedicated workspace to minimize distractions.

Share tips and resources on time management to help your team stay organized and productive. 


6. Foster a Positive Work Culture

Building a positive work culture remotely requires intentional effort. Celebrate successes, encourage collaboration, and promote a healthy work-life balance. Virtual team-building activities and informal check-ins can help maintain morale and camaraderie.

Make sure that all your conversations are caring, candid, and constructive (the 3 C’s) to create trust and a safe space for people to explore their own experiences. This is when transformation and breakthroughs happen.


7. Don’t Avoid Difficult Conversations

Difficult conversations with employees are inevitable, whether in person or remotely.

When managing difficult conversations, approach them with empathy and clarity. Plan and prepare in advance, focusing on specific behaviors or issues rather than personal traits.

Use active listening techniques like repeating what you heard them say to ensure the employee feels heard. This will reduce tension and help ensure that you understand their perspective so you can work together to find a resolution.

8. Be Available and Approachable

As a remote manager, your availability and approachability are crucial. Create a safe space for open and honest conversations without judgment. Make it easy for team members to reach out to you with questions or concerns. An open-door policy, even virtually, can help build trust and ensure that issues are addressed promptly.


9. Offer Professional Development Opportunities

Supporting the professional growth of your remote team is essential. Offer opportunities for training and development, whether through online courses, webinars, or virtual conferences. Encourage continuous learning and provide resources to help employees advance their skills.


10. Utilize Technology Wisely

Leverage technology to streamline workflows and improve efficiency. Project management tools, collaboration platforms, and automation software can significantly enhance productivity and reduce the burden of administrative tasks.


Bonus Tip: Incorporate the GROW® Coaching Methodology

The GROW® coaching methodology can be a powerful tool for managing remote workers. GROW® stands for Goal, Reality, Options, and Way Forward. Here is an example of how you can incorporate it into your remote and hybrid management practices:



Begin by helping your remote workers set clear, achievable goals. These should be aligned with both personal career aspirations and organizational objectives.

For example, during performance reviews, ask your team members what they want to achieve in the next quarter and how they envision their contributions to the team’s success.



Assess the current situation. Discuss the employee’s current performance, the challenges they’re facing, and any resources they might need. This step ensures you both have a realistic understanding of where they stand.

For instance, during a one-on-one check-in, you might ask, "What challenges are you currently facing with your current project?"



Explore the viable options for moving forward. Brainstorm different strategies or actions they can take to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

Encourage your team to think creatively and consider various solutions. You could say, "What are some ways you think we could address the issues with our current communication tools?" And don’t forget the most valuable question, “What else?”


Way Forward

Finally, discuss the way forward. Determine the specific steps the employee will take, and ensure they are committed to these actions. Set a timeline and provide the necessary support. 

For example, conclude a coaching session with, "What will you do in the next week to improve your time management, and how can I assist you?" Conclude by scheduling a meeting to discuss outcomes to ensure accountability.


Improve the Impacts of Remote Working on Workers’ Performance

Remote work performance management involves a combination of clear communication, outcome-focused management, and a supportive work environment. By implementing these best practices and incorporating the GROW coaching methodology, you can ensure that your remote team remains productive, engaged, and motivated.

Remember: The key to success lies in being adaptable and responsive to the unique challenges and opportunities that remote work presents.

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