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The First 3 Things to Do After Being Promoted | InsideOut Development

Written by Bob Parsons | Jul 10, 2015 6:00:00 AM

I have worked with hundreds of leaders over the years that have been promoted into a variety of “higher” positions. Normally, promotions come with more of everything: more money, more prestige, and unfortunately, more pride. Instead of, “It’s not about me” many managers adopt the mantra of, “It’s all about me and very little about you.”

Thankfully, the tide of self-centered leadership is shifting, and the most successful executives view leadership through a more progressive lens: as a tremendous responsibility to empower people to perform at their best. Garry O. Ridge, President and CEO of WD-40, stated, ”Leadership is about creating the environment that motivates people to reveal their magnificence everyday.”

So, how do you approach your new responsibility with this type of attitude? Here are three practical strategies you can apply your first day on the job:

#1: Create a plan. Peter Drucker said, “Nothing good ever happens by accident.” You may have previously succeeded via the “By-the -seat-of-my-pants” approach. However, at some point your luck will run out. Create a short-term and long-term plan that includes the development of your people. WRITE IT DOWN! DON'T KEEP IT IN YOUR HEAD. Be intentional about how you will grow your team.

#2: Change your mindset! Stop thinking about you and start thinking about your direct reports, colleagues, and customers. Make them your first priority. Get rid of the mindset that you have a pool of losers and winners and change your mindset to, “I have a pool of magnificent people, some of whom need development and inspiration.” Your people are the key to your success.

#3: Be a model of character and integrity. Whoever can be trusted with little, can also be trusted with much. Tell the truth and you will never have to worry about what you said yesterday. If you say you’re going to do something, DO It! Have some fortitude and commit to follow up within 24 hours. And if you can’t get it done in 24 hours, then tell people WHEN YOU CAN. Be a man or woman of your word. Quit giving excuses like “I forgot” or “It went into junk mail” Do what you said you will do or don’t commit. It will destroy your integrity and break trust with the people around you.

Navigating a new position can be tricky. However, remembering IT’S NOT ABOUT YOU can make even a challenging transition much more manageable. Stay focused on helping the people around you become magnificent and you are sure to succeed.